Money Tracker

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Your Finances in One Place

Our lives can change overnight, and one of the things that affects us the most is our money.

Money Tracker was built on the idea that knowing is better than hoping. This is an simple app to keep spending on track.

※No bank connecting.


Easy Content Access
Weekly, Monthly total and budgets are provided
Calendar Visuals
Review all your monthly transactions at once
Asset Graph
Review asset trend in your chart
Budget Feature
Set a monthly budget for each category.
See the whole picture
One app to unite your finances
Repeating transactions
Set a period for the transaction, and a repeating interval (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
Multi Currency
Money Tracker is perfect for those who have accounts in multiple currencies.
Backup & Restore
Support for Dropbox. You can backup or restore your data wherever and whenever you want.


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  • Without exaggeration, this app is saving my life. I'm currently going through financial stress that comes from it and this app is helping me to stay afloat. You check your daily budget and the next few days after and realize you want that surplus so you just hold on to your money.

    Sep 2, 2020
  • お給料はすべて使い、貯金が全くできなかった私。お給料が入ったらすぐに目的預金に移すようにしたところ、無駄遣いが減り、お金が貯められるようになりました!

    Sep 9, 2020
  • クレジットカードを利用した際は、使用した金額を目的預金に移し、引き落とし前に、普通預金に振り替えしなおすことで、使いすぎを防げて便利です!

    Sep 1, 2020
  • This is so useful and simple, the way every app should be designed. I recommend everyone to download this app as tracking where and when your cash goes is one of the secrets to wealth-building. I do have one suggestion - perhaps add an option where we could transfer income funds to a savings account so we could track our savings? Because at the moment, I count my savings as an expense and then note it down separately. You'd still count it as an expense but store the total somewhere in the app.

    Doan NN
    Sep 1, 2020